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The students have their peculiarities at the time of   doing examinations. Who more who less looks for security at the moment to take an exam: ones have  their  luck pen, others the special socks examinations. The list can be long: amulets, wristbands, scarves, T-shirts, candles, images, routines ... Even , a whole  class has reached  to collect money for be able to buy an object in common  that  helps all the class. Superstition?  Insecurity?  Fear?


How to use the product: The product will be rid you  in a bag where you will find : a bottle with 80 ml of liquid freshener, one decorative glass, five rods of rotang and a pencil . Put the liquid of the bottle in the glass. For the correct diffusion of the scent you have to enter all the rods in the glass and it is necessary to turn  every day  the rods to renew the aroma. If you want to move the scent with  the pencil, it is necessary that you wet with  the liquid the part of the pencil that  is not glazed.

Precaution: Put the dispenser out of   the scope of the child, away from  sources of heat and in a place where can not  spill, since the liquid can mark.


If our  company could help to the students in  this situation?  Why not. The reason to be of our  product is  help to pass these moments of natural shape, thanks to the natural essences. The aromatherapy  recommends in situations of this kind to use, between others: lavanda, romaní, mint and green apple. Using these essences we have developed a product  that permit  clematises a place pleasantly  and develops a relaxing or favorable for the concentration  in function of the customer needs. Besides , the product incorporates a dispenser pencil that allow to move tactfully the aroma over there we need ,  to the examination too.

For the moment, we have two lines of product:

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